

1. 关于赫本的作文

在繁花似锦的春天 ,校园里一片春,小草破不急待的破土而出,尽情享受春风的抚摸, 像一张张绿色的地毯。柳树的枝头长出了嫩黄色的小芽,像一层透明的绿纱盖住了枝头。扬树灰绿色的身躯泛出了点点新绿,梢头吐出了密密的芽苞在风中摆动。教学楼里传出了朗朗的读书声,老师拿着教杆指着黑板上的白字,做着夸张的口型读着,好让他的学生能看的清楚,台下的学生们,昂着那张稚嫩的小脸,认真的跟着老师学,也许会有不会读的字,也许会遇到困难,但他们都在老师那充满鼓励的温柔的笑容中走了过来。空气中似乎飘着淡淡的泥的芬芳,而这些祖国的花草,正在着春的温暖中成长着。
在鸟语蝉鸣的夏天,校园里绿树繁茂,树木下一片浓绿,在课间十分钟,同学们在树下嬉笑打闹,“一,二,三,四。。。。”瞧,这是女同学在踢毽子呢!女生们踢的满头大汗,却还乐不思蜀,“加上我,加上我!”数学老师看到我们玩的那么高兴,也来了 兴致,“一,二,三”可老师踢的实在是不怎么样,只踢了三个,毽子就掉了。“老师踢的还没我好呢!”小兰在我耳边嘀咕,恰巧 给老师听见了,老师脸一红,冲我们笑了笑,说:“小兰说的对。金无足赤,人我完人,没有人是什么都好,什么都对的,老师也有不如学生的地方,既然你们比我踢的好,那么在课堂上我是你们的老师,课间踢毽子时你们是我的老师,怎么样??”同学们听老师这样说,都连忙应到“好啊,好啊”“老师在上,受学生一拜!”数学老师怪模怪样的冲我们鞠了一个躬,顿时校园里充满了我们欢乐的笑声,久久不能散去。。。。 ?


2. 跪求奥黛丽赫本的英语作文

Audrey Hepburn (4 May 1929 – 20 January 1993) was a English-Dutch actress and humanitarian.

Born in Ixelles, Brussels, Belgium, as Audrey Kathleen Ruston, Hepburn spent her childhood chiefly in the Netherlands, including German-occupied Arnhem, Netherlands, during the Second World War. She studied ballet in Arnhem and then moved to London in 1948, where she continued to train in ballet and worked as a photographer's model. She appeared in several European films before starring in the 1951 Broadway play Gigi. Hepburn played the lead female role in Roman Holiday (1953), winning an Academy Award, a Golden Globe and a BAFTA for her performance. She also won a Tony Award for her performance in Ondine (1954). She was also a member of the International Best Dressed List since 1961.
Hepburn became one of the most successful film actresses in the world and performed with notable leading men such as Gregory Peck, Rex Harrison, Humphrey Bogart, Gary Cooper, Cary Grant, Henry Fonda, William Holden, Burt Lancaster, Fred Astaire, James Garner, Peter O'Toole and Albert Finney. She won BAFTA Awards for her performances in The Nun's Story (1959) and Charade (1963) and received Academy Award nominations for Sabrina (1954), The Nun's Story (1959), Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961) and Wait Until Dark (1967).
She starred as Eliza Doolittle in the film version of My Fair Lady (1964), becoming only the third actor to receive $1,000,000 for a film role. From 1968 to 1975 she took a break from film-making to spend more time with her two sons. In 1976, she starred with Sean Connery in Robin and Marian. In 1989, she made her last film appearance in Steven Spielberg's Always.
Her war-time experiences inspired her passion for humanitarian work and, although she had worked for UNICEF since the 1950s, during her later life she dedicated much of her time and energy to the organization. From 1988 until 1992, she worked in some of the most profoundly disadvantaged communities of Africa, South America and Asia. In 1992, Hepburn was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in recognition of her work as a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador. In 1999, she was ranked as the third greatest female star of all time by the American Film Institute.